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Mindful, holistic and immersive sessions for all


Moon and Mind offers group and 1:1 sessions to connect you fully to yourself, to improve your wellbeing and flourish within all aspects of your life!



Group Sessions

(click a header for more information)


Moon circles


This is where it all started! A chance to use the moon as a calendar to check in with ourselves and others twice a month, to keep on top of our wellbeing and make positive plans and intentions. These run every other Wednesday at 7.30pm with full moon circles taking place in Brighton. For the majority of the year these are outside. In Spring and Autumn they are round the fire on Brighton beach, and at St Ann's Well Gardens in the summer. In winter we move indoors. New moon circles are currently online.


Tarot club


When running, tarot club is every other Tuesday at 7.30pm. This is a space to learn about the tarot, how to read intuitively, traditions and meanings, new spreads, and most importantly to share readings for each other and connect to others who are interested in tarot. For all levels, even if you have never even touched a tarot deck! Find us upstairs at the Victory Inn in the south lanes - Brighton. These sessions are offered in blocks, like a course, and it's best if you can attend all of them but you're very welcome to one offs too. 


Fire circles and tea ceremonies


At Moon and Mind you will see us regularly celebrating the 8 sabbaths of the wheel of the year. This consists of two equinoxes, two solstices, and four other sabbaths/festivals in between. We often do this with a fire circle or tea ceremony, so keep your eyes peeled for these!



Other sessions pop up every now and again including meditation, festivals and retreats. 




 Click 'tickets' above to see when the next group sessions are, purchase tickets and also see more detailed information on each event.





1:1 Sessions





I offer 1:1 coaching session in a block of six. Similar to life coaching, my training is in positive psychology and I often combine this with my spiritual and wellbeing practices. If you are looking for positive change and to be the vest version of yourself, drop me a message!



Tarot readings


 Using the cards as a tool for self-discovery, clarity, exploration and story-telling, I can help you to see more clearly receiving guidance from the cards to create change or make decisions. 



I can also offer mindfulness, meditation or ritual sessions. These can help you to find some peace, or to release any negativity and invite calmer energies. This can involve tarot, oracle cards, candles, smudging, chanting and guided visualisations.


Drop me an email for more information on 1:1 sessions

(contact form at the bottom of this page).


If you have facebook you can join my community group for updates and well-being chats!


If you are unemployed or struggling but would like to attend one of my group sessions, please message me below explaining which you would like to attend and I will get back to you. 

I aim to make my offerings as accessible as possible.




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